Mom Hacks for On the Go!

Claire Underhill
Mom Hacks for On the Go!
As a mom myself, I can testify that we spend a ton of time getting into the car, travelling in the car, and en-route to various events with our children in tow.
Making this time worthwhile, more efficient, more organized, and generally a happier time is going to make everyone’s experience more pleasant.
So, here are some Mom Hacks for On the Go to make your time in the vehicle with your children more enjoyable.

Mom Hack #1: The Snackle Box

Pick up a legitimate tackle box from your local hardware store and convert it into a “snackle box”. Fill up your tackle box with various snacks and drinks to keep those hangry kiddos content and calm during the drive.

Mom Hack #2: Good Car Seats

I cannot stress enough how important it is to have car seats that are adaptable, and work with your lifestyle. If your family does a lot of day trip adventures, or drive up to the lake every weekend, consider investing in good quality (and safe!) car seats that have cup holders and snack compartments.

Mom Hack #3: ALWAYS keep a spare set of clothes in the car

It’s just our luck when you’re on the drive to school (probably late too) and you spill coffee on your white shirt, or the kid’s yogurt drink explodes all over their pants. An essential mom hack is to always keep a spare set of clothes for your kids in the vehicle and throw in an extra shirt for mama too!

Mom Hack #4: Trunk Organizer

Trunks can become the vehicle’s catch-all system for everything junk and garbage related. A good trunk organizer, or even a laundry basket to house random items thrown about, or to bring in the groceries will help keep your vehicle and you more organized.

Mom Hack #5: Shoe Organizer for Kids Items

As much as we would like to think our children will not require much for a 10–15-minute car ride, you will be wrong. Consider purchasing a canvas shoe organizer to hang on the back of your seat to store all your kids’ treasures (ie. Books, toys, cards, etc).

Mom Hack #6: Garbage Bins

Take a plastic cereal container and line it with a grocery bag – leave it in the backseat so your kids can properly dispose of those small candy wrappers! No more cheese stick wrappers decaying under your seats.
What are some of the Mom Hacks you use while in the vehicle? Tell us!